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Myrtle Bonsai - A Great Indoor Variety Of Bonsai PDF Print E-mail

The Myrtle Bonsai is a great variety of indoor bonsai. There are several similar variations of Myrtle Bonsai including Common Myrtle Bonsai, Greek Myrtle Bonsai, Indian Myrtle Bonsai and Swedish Myrtle Bonsai.  This variety is also known as Myrtus Communis. 

The v is an evergreen shrub with oval shaped, glossy dark green leaves that produce a very sweet aromatic smell.  During the summer months, the Myrtle Bonsai will produce very fragrant white flowers that will grow into purple blackish fruits.  The very sweet aromatic odor of the flower allowed the Myrtle Bonsai to be used in making many different perfumes.  The edible flowers are often found used in salads at many restaurants.

Young Myrtle Bonsai should be repotted a minimum of every two years in the spring preferably.  The shrub should be continuously pruned during the summer season by pinching back new growth shoots.  Pruning should also be done to shape the shrub.  Pruning also assists in making the shrub maintain a smaller size.

The Myrtle Bonsai should be fertilized every two weeks during the growing season  The shrub needs needs to be watered every two weeks.  Should the potting soil in the shrub become dry, immerse the potted shrub about half way into a larger pot filled with water.  Let the water soak into the dry shrub.  When the potting soil becomes moist, remove the potted shrub from the larger pot filled with water.

The best method of growing new Myrtle Bonsai shrubs is by using cuttings.  Myrtle Bonsai are more difficult to start from seeds.  Cuttings should be taken during the summer when the plant is strong and growing.

The Myrtle Bonsai is a classic bonsai tree.  Even beginning bonsai hobbyists have much success including this shrub in their garden.  It is an extremely hardy plant that does very well indoors.

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Each style of bonsai, of which there are many, should display harmony and balance in plant groupings and containers chosen.  Each bonsai must create the image of being a miniature form of a full size tree which causes an inspiration from nature.