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Juniper Bonsai - The Perfect Bonsai For Beginners PDF Print E-mail

Best suited species for bonsai AKA: Meyeri, Blue Carpet and Blue Star

The Juniper Bonsai is well acclimated indoors and outdoors making it one of the easier Bonsai to maintain.The Juniper is a low growing variety which has lush greens.

Light: The Juniper prefers light. It should receive at least four hours of direct sunlight per day.

Feeding: Feeding Juniper Bonsai is best done from early spring to autumn.  Every 20 to 30 days

  is suggested and slow acting fertilizer is recommended.

Watering: For indoor trees misting the Juniper Bonsai daily will keep the Juniper lush and lively. Bonsai trees live in small pots therefore they can dry out quickly. It is not recommended to allow your Bonsai to sit in water at all times but a nudity tray is needed.

Pruning: The juniper Bonsai roots should be reduced slowly. The foliage should be pinched out using your fingers as this will help healthy new shoots.

Repotting: A tree younger than 10 years should be repotted every year. Spring is the best time to repot your Juniper Bonsai.  Older trees can be repotted every two years.

Selecting a Juniper Bonsai: A tree that is 3 to 7 years of age has the best chance of flourishing for a beginner.

Warning: When working with juniper you should always wear gloves to protect your hands from the needles which have been known to cause an allergic reaction.

Juniper Bonsai can fall victim to many of the plant diseases such as aphids, fungus gnats, scale insects but the Juniper is most prone to spider mites. Keeping your juniper amongst proper light, fresh air and ventilation will help prevent these pests, bacteria and disease from attacking.

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There are many different styles of Bonsai that are being used at the present time.  These styles include formal and upright, informal and upright, leaning, cascading and, windswept, on a rock and groupings.  The most important identifier of a style is the growing angle of the tree in the container.