Boxwood Bonsai - Bonsai Tree How To Care Print
Best suited species for Boxwood Bonsai AKA: With over 70 species of boxwood the best suited for bonsai is Buxus microphylla (Japanese Box), Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box). The difference between the two species is the Japanese Box (Buxus Microphylla) grows slowly and the Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) grows vigorously.
Characteristics: Boxwood is a type of evergreen shrub. Dark green leaves that reduce well. Yellow male flowers surrounded by female flowers. Naturally well internodes. A fast grower slow to thicken.
The Boxwood Bonsai does well as a indoor bonsai. Does best with dappled shades to prevent yellowing of the leaves. To prevent fungal disease keep it in a unheated room with good circulation.
Soil:  Use a Basic Bonsai Mix keep well drained.
Pruning styles: Informal Upright is most popular. Mature Buxus is very hard and intricate therefore Jinning is suitable.
Repotting: Only every 2 to 3 years will the Boxwood Bonsai need a new Bonsai Pot. Spring time is the best. Do not repot during very hot weather or a growth spurt.
Feeding: Feed every two weeks during growth. Use liquid Bonsai Fertilizer with one application of Pulverized Organic Fertilizer during active growth.
Watering: The Boxwood Bonsai does not require wet soil. Allow to dry a bit between watering.
Bonsai Seeds and Bonsai Propagation: The Boxwood Bonsai can be successfully Air-layered. Division during spring or from hardwood cuttings in late summer through autumn is recommended.
Warning: The Boxwood Bonsai can be quite disease resistant. You may encounter Box Light, Nematodes, Mites, Leaf Miners, Blackfly, Greenfly, Red Spider Mites, Honey Fungus and Bonsai Rust.
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