Aralias Bonsai
Aralias Bonsai - A Showy Shrub That Grows Well Indoors Print

The Aralia bonsai is one of the more popular species for the beginner bonsai enthusiast. Aralia tree is native to southeast Asia and the pacific islands.

Feeding:During the winter months feeding should be done about every six weeks. Every two weeks is highly suggested during Aralia bonsai tree's growing period.

Lighting: Aralia bonsai is flexible and does well with varieties of lighting options making it a great indoor bonsai plant. Bright light with a bit of indirect light works well but it does tolerate low light levels. Be cautious it does not do well with wind and large drafts. Temperatures below 60 degrees can cause irrefutable damage to this bonsai tree.

Watering: Aralia bonsai needs to have constant moist soil but can be prone to root rot if the roots are surrounded by stagnate water. Proper drainage is imperative. Misting the bonsai plant daily is of the up most importance for it's health and survival.

Most popular Aralia species for bonsai: Aralia Ming, Aralia castor, Dizygotheca castor, Aralia elegantissima and Aralia blacky.

A few diseases and pests that may present problems: Bacterial canker, Eelworms, root rot, alternariose, mites, scale and verticillium wilt.


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